The EX thing.

Today I was searching on google some shoes that I wanted and immediately I saw in my RSS feed a new article written by my ex boyfriend on his blog and I instantly clicked to read .I broke up with him almost 4 months ago because what was between me and him wasn’t a healthy relationship anymore. So why I’m still interesting of what he has to say? In fact, I observed that this thing happens with all our EXes: no matter how much time it passed, we are still jealous in a way and we want to remain for eternity their “The One That Meant All”.

Honestly, I am finding this too selfish, but I can’t restrain my self to hate him a little when an he states out loud that he moved on. It’s just the fact that he may be happier  now what drives us crazy or is something more? Is is because he stepped over our “bodies” the real thing that we hate? Are we so vain?Maybe we are, maybe that’s why we want to look that good when facing and EX. There’s a statement: “Look at me I am Fabulous and you don’t have me anymore”! But why bother? Just to keep that impression that we are the shoe and his the bug?

So what do you do when facing and EX? Should you run and avoid him at all costs? Or to try and be friends? Sincerely, I don’t believe  in friendship-with-an-ex kinda thing for some reasons: 1. you can visualize and remember him in bed, 2. you’ll never get over “my new girlfriend” stuff, 3. where is a past tense and not continued I don’t see a future. I don’t believe in running either: it’s coward and in the end there is a history. These questions maybe don’t have an immediate answer, the response is in each and every woman and her EX.

In the end our lives are still messy and EXes are a part of our life that we can’t delete and we just need to face it like we feel it.